Wednesday, November 4, 2009



TILT is a new Twilight Fanfiction written by Lambcullen

SUMMARY- MAN WANTED: 52 cards. 52 Positions. Can an internet advertisement really bring two people together? Even if it's only based on sex? AU/AH/OOC Canon Couples.

This is an Edward/Bella story. Both are shy, geeky and with little sexual experience. They are going to take part in a little research with the aid of Sex Deck a pack of cards illustrating 52 playful positions to spice up your love life.

This is a journey of discovery and you are invited to join them on their journey.

We are a group of dedicated readers who have selflessly volunteered with our partners to help out researching the various positions. Lambie is all about authenticity.

So far the story has a Prologue and 1 Chapter. I believe Lambie intends to update weekly and once things get going she hopes to cover one or more cards a week. Is that right Lambie?

What can you do? Leave comments!

What do you think of the story so far? What have been your experiences of whatever is the current position? What would you like to see Edward and Bella try out next?