Welcome to Lambie's TRAMPS. This is an adult blog, I'm assuming that if you're reading it that you're an adult and that you're going to behave appropriately. In the interest of being responsible in our research, we do have at last one male who will be blogging with us. I would advise anyone who is intending to play along at home to take all necessary precautions to ensure his/her mental and physical health and well being. In addition, these activities will most likely be strenuous so one should, as with any exercise program, consult an MD if there are concerns about one's physical health.
All of the disclaimer stuff is officially out of the way, I think.
TRAMPS is an acronym for: Twisted Research And Many Positions for Sexytimes
We owe Shalu for our name. I am officially not going to wear the T-shirt, if we make one, because I am a stick in the mud.
The Sex Deck does exist. For those of you who aren't aware it is available on Amazon.
If no one minds I'm going t look at this as a bit of an experiment and I'll be testing out a couple of hypotheses as we go along.
There are two outcomes that I expect from this experiment I anticipate that participants will experience greater closeness and sexual gratification with her/his selected partner through engaging in challenging sexual activity on a regular basis, and that participants will find that more sexual positions are possible than initially thought.
Couples will engage in coital activity specified on the cards selected by Lambcullen and report back on the experience. The only measure used to collect data will be self-report.
Beds, chairs, pillows, necessary props
Supposing that I'm not a complete and total slacker some relevant research and an introduction may be available regarding this project in the near future.